Posted October 2, 2014
On Monday, September 8, Moises attended his first classes as a student at Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville, NY. A seasoned organizer, he was ready to take on a heavy course load including classes on the philosophy of equality and his area of expertise, race and immigration. As we witnessed the beginning of a new chapter for Moises, we also marked an ending for our production. This was the final day of filming for Forbidden and it was bittersweet.
We are so proud of Moises and all that he has accomplished and are ready to finish the film so we can share it. The process continues full force as we now enter the third and final phase: post-production. This month, Heather Mathews will fly to Florida from L.A. where she works as a professional editor. Heather has generously offered to donate her services to help us finish this film. We are so grateful to be receiving this level of expertise and guidance.
The Forbidden team is expanding in other ways as well. This fall, three students from the University of Florida are doing internships with Sisters Unite Productions. Rain Swearingin has created a Tumblr page as a way to increase traffic to our website and cross-pollinate with other immigrant and LGBTQ rights organizations and blogs. Some of our footage is shot only in Spanish, and Tomas Darsin has been translating these interviews into English. Cara Millburg has been researching and organizing potential grants. This piece has been challenging for us. We have backed most of the project out of our own pocket and with generous donations from backers from our Kickstarter campaign that funded this website. We are planning to launch an IndieGoGo campaign soon to help raise the necessary funds to finish the film and prepare it for distribution. Stay tuned and stay involved by circulating information about Forbidden to your community and social networks.